Therapy For Rapid Results

You Needed to Be Feeling Better Yesterday –

Nothing is getting done. Due dates are passing by, excuses are adding up, and people get frustrated with your performance (or lack thereof). Family and friends feel you’ve been absent, and it has started impacting relationships.

Things can’t wait for you to be better. Everything is moving by so fast, and you’re drowning in the pressure to keep up. But your brain won’t cooperate, and you’re feeling stuck.

You’re losing precious hours of productivity from being worried, distracted, or losing your train of thought. Life is going by, and it’s like you’re missing it all. And right now, there’s too much riding on you; you can’t afford to slip up.

Time Is Our Most Precious Commodity

Sometimes, we don’t have the time to wait to get better. Sometimes we need those results now.

Standard therapy requires a once-a-week commitment for an hour at a time. Each week you meet your therapist and go through your regular sessions. Following this format means that it could take weeks and sometimes months before you start feeling relief.

But what if you don’t have weeks or months? That’s when Massed Therapy offers you a way through the pain faster while keeping all the benefits of standard therapy.

There’s a Way to Move Forward Faster

If there were a short cut or fast forward button, you would have found it by now. You’ve tried everything. But there is a way to speed it all up.

Lately, there’s been a lot of research exploring what would happen if the same therapy was given to people every day, rather than once a week – the solution is Massed Therapy.

In Massed Therapy, you undertake all 12 modules in less than a month.

What’s the Catch?

Yeah, you caught me. Massed Therapy isn’t a fast-forward approach – and there are no cutting corners here.

You’ll still have to do all the same work and number of assignments but with less time between sessions.

So, what does that mean exactly? Usually, you would be allowed 7 days to do 7 assignments. In Massed Therapy, you might have 1 day to do 7 assignments. In this model, you see me 2-5 times per week, and in that week, you’d do about a month’s worth of work.

It Works!

Research shows that Massed Therapy produces better results than the standard treatment. The faster you get better, the less time you’re in pain. And isn’t that the goal anyway?

Need proof? Just email me, and I’d be happy to send you the citations!

I Said Faster – I Didn’t Say Easier.

Massed Therapy is an intense form of therapy and requires an enormous commitment. To make this form of therapy work, you need to make it a priority. There’s a lot of time and effort you must put in – but then, you get your life back within a few weeks!

You’ll be in therapy for 1 hour a day a few times a week. Plus, you’ll be doing a week’s worth of homework each day. Massed Therapy requires a lot of your time and dedication, and it isn’t an easy way out; it’s just a faster way through.

Like I Said, Time is Our Most Precious Commodity.

And that goes for me, too! These slots are few and precious. I only offer this form of therapy to one person a month. I require a minimum commitment of meeting three times a week.

If you’re serious about getting better faster, then I’d encourage you to reach out ASAP. Let’s get you going so that we can get you back on your feet in the next few weeks.