How I Help

Honest, Ethical, and Direct

I pride myself on being upfront and honest with all people. That means you need never wonder what I am thinking or where you stand with me. There will be total transparency in how I work with you.

If I can help you, I will say so; I will direct you to a better resource if I don’t think I can help. My approach is honest – I tell you when you are avoiding something or doing a skill incorrectly.

My goal is to work myself out of a job. I hope you come to therapy, get what you need, and move on with your life.

If you need me to cope with the things in your daily life, then I’ve done something wrong. I want you to have all the skills, abilities, and knowledge to live your life to the fullest.

Hopefully, when you’re on to the next chapter of your life, you will have fond memories of me in the rearview mirror.

Nerd Alert!

I’ll own it and take pride in it. I’m a total nerd.

I take pride in my training and craft and strive to stay on top of the latest research. Staying abreast of the newest research requires consistently investing back into my knowledge base and actively learning new things.

When you enter therapy with me, you’ll be with a therapist who is both highly experienced and a student at heart who is continually learning.

Therapy Backed by Science

I believe in science, data, and research.

When you come to therapy with me, there is no fluff, no questionable woo-woo approaches. I don’t knock the woo-woo therapists out there – I know some, many are my friends – but I am not at all woo-woo.

Everything we do will be because there is science and research behind it.

In today’s world, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. Such misinformation is hard for the layperson to sort through.

But when you enter our sessions, I have already vetted the approaches, read the peer-reviewed journals (remember, I’m a nerd), and taken the advanced training (remember, I’m always a student). I pledge to work with integrity and use research-backed approaches (remember, I’m honest and ethical).

Skills You Can Take with You

Remember how I said I was a nerd? Well, nerds take homework seriously.

Every client with whom I work has the option to do their homework either via an app on their phone or through a workbook – you get to choose the option.

What’s not a choice is that there will be homework – at least if you work with me. Results occur from doing homework. And, I want you to get results.

I want you to have skills that you can use at any time and in any place. My goal is for you to learn to be your therapist to maintain your gains without me.

Results You Can See and Feel

When you start therapy with me, you’ll take a standardized assessment so we can establish a baseline. Every week, you’ll retake that assessment so we can track how you’re progressing against that baseline.

If we see that you’re making traction, we’ll know to keep up the excellent work. But if you stall, we focus on the areas where things are hard, pivot some approaches, and get you back on track.

It’s very empowering to see where things have changed concretely. It feels good to have data as feedback for your efforts. And you can objectively track how therapy is helping you change your life.

Launch into Your Success

Now you know all about me. It’s your turn to learn more about yourself. Take the time to look deeply into yourself can help you change your life forever.

Allow yourself to change your thoughts, feelings, and life. Call today to get started with a free 20-minute phone consultation.