Introduction A client recently asked me a heartbreaking question: “Is there something about me—or women like me—that makes men not respect us? Are there women they wouldn’t do this to?” This question reflects a painful and common belief among survivors—that somehow,...
Introduction: How Sexual Trauma Affects Relationships and Intimacy If you’ve experienced sexual trauma, it might feel like relationships and intimacy are a constant challenge. The reality is, most sexual trauma is caused by someone the survivor knows, which can make...
Introduction: Healing Hypersexuality and Trauma Many trauma survivors struggle to underdating their sexuality and sex drive after experiencing a traumatic event. Trauma destabilizes your sense of self, and your sense of control over your own life. These changes are...
Introduction: Understanding Sexual Trauma and Its Effects One in three American women will experience sexual assault in their lifetime, and 40-50% of them will go on to develop PTSD as a result. Among all forms of trauma, sexual trauma is associated with the highest...
Why Sexual Trauma Is Different from Other Types of Trauma—and Why It Matters Not all trauma looks or feels the same. Sexual trauma invades the most personal aspects of a person’s life—it doesn’t just affect the body; it shapes how survivors see themselves, their...
What is Sexual Trauma? In the U.S., 1 in 3 women will experience some form of sexual assault, yet many people don’t recognize their experiences as trauma. This is partly because our culture often normalizes harmful behaviors, leaving victims questioning whether what...